FRAZEE (KDLM) – Starting next week, Highway 87 will be impassable between North River Drive and Main Avenue East, as crews begin the bridge replacement at the Otter Tail River.
Highway 87 remains closed to thru-traffic between County Road 29/Birch Avenue in Frazee and Highway 71 in Menahga. Access is being maintained for residents and businesses along the work zone, but once the bridge is out, local traffic will need to find an alternate route to access Highway 87 from Frazee.
Crews are reconstructing and resurfacing 26 miles of pavement, widening shoulders between Frazee and Evergreen, and replacing two box culverts, including the Otter Tail River bridge. Shoulder-widening operations have started near Frazee, and reclaiming and paving continue west of the Becker/Wadena county line.
Local traffic should watch for heavy equipment, flaggers and other traffic control, which may change daily depending on where crews are working. Expect delays, short-term closures and periodic stops along the entire work zone.

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