
Becker County Sherrif’s Office Reminder on Child Passenger Safety Law

By Trish Johnson Sep 18, 2024 | 6:53 AM

Minnesota’s updated **Child Passenger Safety Law** now provides clear guidelines for car seats, booster seats, and seat belts based on a child’s age, height, and weight. Under the new regulations, children must stay in booster seats until age **9**, an increase from the previous requirement of age **8**.


Key guidelines include:

– **Birth to 2 years**: Children should ride in a **rear-facing** car seat.

– **At least 2 years old and has outgrown the rear-facing seat**: They can switch to a **forward-facing** seat with an internal harness.

– **4 years old and outgrown the forward-facing seat**: Children should use a **booster seat** with a lap and shoulder belt.

– **9 years old or older**: They can switch to a regular seat belt if they pass the **five-step test**, which ensures the seat belt fits properly.


Additionally, children under **13 years old** are encouraged to sit in the back seat for added safety. If a child falls into more than one category, the law emphasizes using the most protective option available.


These updated guidelines ensure safer travel for children, focusing on proper seat placement and belt use based on the child’s size and developmental stage. For more information, refer to local resources or consult Minnesota’s child safety laws.