
Rare ‘Ice Quake’ Shakes Wisconsin as Strange Winter Continues

By Trish Johnson Jan 31, 2025 | 6:33 AM

Residents in Wisconsin’s capital city of Madison experienced a rare winter phenomenon recently: an ice quake.
An ice quake, also known as a cryoseism, occurs when water beneath the surface freezes rapidly. According to Wonderopolis, this sudden freeze causes the water to expand, breaking up the surrounding soil and rocks. The result can be loud cracks and even tremors.
Over the weekend, temperatures plunged well below zero in Madison. Cracks formed in the ice on Lake Monona and Lake Mendota, resulting in booming noises that startled residents. WKOW-TV reported that several people took to social media, saying the ice quake was the loudest they had heard in years.
Typically, snow cover muffles these cracks, but the lack of snow this winter made the phenomenon more noticeable. Fortunately, ice quakes rarely cause damage, unlike earthquakes, and are generally harmless.
With Minnesota’s similar weather patterns, ice quakes may have occurred here as well, especially on the state’s many frozen lakes.
Have you ever heard an ice quake?