
FARGO, N.D. – Residents of Moorhead gathered at the Hjemkomst Center to express their relief as the long-awaited 11th Street underpass project finally broke ground. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) was present to address questions and concerns from the community. Emma Olson from MnDOT’s Department of Public Affairs highlighted the project’s significance, stating, “This is a really unique project, not only for MnDOT but for the city and the community. Navigation and the project’s impact on the area are key points of interest.” The project has led to the complete closure of many roads in Moorhead, posing challenges for local businesses. Dr. Rodney Lee, owner of Dollar Clinic on 1st Avenue, noted the drastic decrease in traffic, stating, “One thing I’ve noticed is the 9 thousand cars that drive by every day is down to zero.”

However, not all businesses are optimistic about the project’s timeline. Holland’s Landscaping and Garden, which feels forced out of Moorhead due to the project, expressed skepticism. Co-owner Sarah Liljestrand stated, “I don’t know that the timeline is at all gonna work. But more power to them if it does.” For those interested in learning more about the project, the next town hall meeting is scheduled for 11 A.M. on Thursday, April 4th.