Detroit Lakes, Minn. (KDLM) – Five Detroit Lakes area lakes will be chemically treated on Monday, June 26 and Tuesday, June 27, by the Pelican River Watershed District to combat the spread of curly-leaf pondweed and flowering rush, two aquatic invasive species.
The five area lakes are: Big and Little Detroit Lake, Curfman Lake, Lake Sallie, Lake Melissa and Muskrat Lake.
According to the Pelican River Watershed District, the treatments will involve the herbicides: Endothall and Diquat, and individuals should not drink the lake water or use the lakes to water livestock for up to 14 days following the treatments. Irrigation should cease for five days following the treatments.
Detroit Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Treatment Areas, June 26-27, 2023. Pelican River Watershed District by Michael Achterling on Scribd