
DLHS Pep Band To Be Featured In New Becker County Museum Audio Exhibit

By Zeke Fuhrman Feb 10, 2023 | 9:33 AM

Detroit Lakes, MN (KDLM) – The Becker County Museum is scheduled to open its second-floor science wing at its new facility on Friday, February 17th.

There will be a lot of interactive exhibits on the science floor. One of the new features will be an audio booth with a 32-channel mixing board where museum-goers can tweak audio recordings to see how different filters and audio levels affect the overall sound.

One of the recordings that will be featured in the new exhibit will be selections by the 2022-23 Detroit Lakes High School Pep Band. The Becker County Museum was at DLHS on Wednesday morning for band class. Kevin Mitchell set up 12 microphones around the band room, recording different sections of instruments.

Band director Tim Siewert let the pep band choose some of their favorite songs to record: Sweet Caroline, Paint it Black, and The Star Spangled Banner among others.

At the museum exhibit, each of Mitchell’s recordings will be assigned to its own audio channel on the mixing board so people can tweak the mix to their liking. If they want to hear more trombones, they can raise the trombone level. If they want less percussion, then can lower the percussion level.

“We love all of the collaborating happening making our new county museum magnificent,” said Museum director Becky Mitchell. “We hope to make it around the whole county this spring to record the high school bands and choirs for this interactive exhibit.”

The Museum will return to DLHS next week to do a similar recording with the Laker Singers.

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