Tom Dolby via Pine Grove Country Club facebook
DETROIT LAKES (KDLM) – Detroit Country Club (DCC) has hired a new General Manager/Head Professional.
The Detroit Country Club board recently concluded an extensive search for a new candidate to take over the operation after both Mark Holm and Kris Smith left their positions at the club and have announced Thomas “Tom” Dolby, the current head professional at Pine Grove Country Club in Iron Mountain, MI will become the new General Manager/Head Professional.
“We are excited to have the opportunity to build on what Mark and Kris have done, and bring a new direction and a fresh perspective to our operations at both courses,” a statement by the board said.
Dolby, from Minnesota has spent time in the area and is a past participant in the Pine to Palm tournament. In addition, DCC has hired Dolby’s wife, Kaylnn Dolby. Kaylnn is a Class “A” PGA Professional, and has been working with Tom at Pine Grove as their Teaching Professional and has been primarily responsible for running their junior program. “We have found a “team” that will bring a new direction and perspective to our course, will fit in well with the openings we have at the Pine to Palm and Lakeview Courses, and we are extremely fortunate to have both of them join us,” said the board.
You can read the board’s full statement below:
Dear DCC Patrons:
We have some very exciting news to share. As you all are aware, this past season was the last season at DCC for both Mark Holm and Kris Smith. The Club was extremely fortunate to have both Mark and Kris for so many years, and we owe both of them an unbelievable debt for all their time and what they have done for the Club. We know that Mark and Kris cannot be replaced, but we are excited to have the opportunity to build on what Mark and Kris have done, and bring a new direction and a fresh perspective to our operations at both courses. The Board has recently concluded an extensive search for a new candidate to take over our operations. We received a number of outstanding applications, including many from our community that were very qualified. We thank each and every one of them for their interest in the position, and the passion that they all show for DCC.
After a thorough process, we have selected the new General Manager/Head Professional of Detroit Country Club. That person is Thomas “Tom” Dolby, the current head professional at Pine Grove Country Club in Iron Mountain, MI. Tom is from Minnesota, and has spent considerable time in the area, and has connections to friends and family in the area. Tom has played in the Pine to Palm tournament and other events at DCC, and is very familiar with our course and community. In addition, not only do we get Tom, but we get Tom’s immensely qualified and talented spouse, Kaylnn Dolby. Kaylnn is also a Class “A” PGA Professional, and has been working with Tom at Pine Grove as their Teaching Professional and has been primarily responsible for running their junior program. LIke Tom, Kaylnn has connections to friends and family in the area, and is very familiar with our course and community. In short, we have found a “team” that will bring a new direction and perspective to our course, will fit in well with the openings we have at the Pine to Palm and Lakeview Courses, and we are extremely fortunate to have both of them join us.
Tom and Kaylnn have prepared a bio. It’ll be posted in a separate post in the near future. Please join all of us in warmly welcoming Tom and Kaylnn to the community.
– DCC Board of Directors

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