
Heart of the Lakes Elementary School Creates ‘Care Closet’ for Students in Need

Sep 30, 2022 | 10:00 AM

Care Closet at Heart of the Lakes elementary school

PERHAM (KDLM) – It can be a daunting task for anyone to ask for help when it comes to receiving personal hygiene supplies.

Several people at the Heart of the Lakes Elementary School (HOTL) are trying to ease that burden with the creation of the HOTL Care Closet.

HOTL’s Brooklyn Thompson and Eryn Moser have led the charge with a lot of support from the HOTL’s Parent Support Group, the HIVE. Moser said with her role at school, she deals with a lot of at-risk students who need this support and the idea is something they have pondered for a while, however, now it has come to fruition.

“This summer I found some furniture that we could use to store some items,” Moser said. “There was a need for it with some of the students I see. They needed a place where they could feel safe to ask for help.”

Both Thompson and Moser say the main goal of the Care Closet is to ease comfort for students, make sure the students know they have a safe place to go and to have a centralized location.

Thompson spent some time recently in the classroom introducing the Care Closet to students in the HOTL and said students have already come up and asked to visit it.

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