WALKER (KDLM) – Freshwater Jellyfish were spotted recently in Leech Lake near Walker.
Freshwater jellyfish have been observed statewide in a variety of aquatic habitats. They can occur in virtually any type of waterbody if conditions allow having a clear or translucent white bell-shaped body about the size of a dime or nickel.
James Hofmann of St. Cloud, who was on a fishing trip spotted the the rare jellyfish in Leech Lake, “They are so cool to see. They do have little stingers, but they’re too small to penetrate the skin.”
The freshwater jellyfish does not pose a hazard to swimmers. They are typically found in late summer during August and September. Their appearance is sporadic and unpredictable. Individuals become apparent as they rise to the water surface in afternoon to early evening, especially on clear and warm days in calm water.