Photo via Phaser Marketing
DETROIT LAKES (KDLM) – $20,000 was raised for the Boys and Girls Club of Detroit Lakes at The Phaser Fundraiser – Black Tie Gala, Thursday.
The event, which was held at Detroit Mountain featured drinks, a red carpet, live auction and music from Tim Eggebraaten.
“There is no better community out there than the Detroit Lakes area. When they have an opportunity to come together and support each other, they are pound for pound the absolute best. What started out as an idea in 2020, finally came through and ended up being better than I could’ve ever dreamed of. The amount of people and organizations that had a hand in making the Phaser Fundraiser a success last night is such a long list. EVERYONE stepped up and came together to make this a night to never forget,” said Luke Eggebratten of Phaser Marketing, a digital marketing company for construction companies.
Organizers of the event hope to raise $100,000 next year.