
Detroit Lakes Approves Amended $50 Million Capital Improvement Plan Through 2026

Jun 8, 2021 | 9:41 PM

DETROIT LAKES (KDLM) – The city of Detroit Lakes approved their 5 year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), Tuesday during their regularly scheduled Council meeting.

The CIP outlines infrastructure needs and proposed improvements to the City’s water, wastewater, drainage and transportation infrastructure through 2026.

Among the items approved in the more than $50 million plan includes adding multiple subdivisions throughout the city, a new 2.5 million gallon water tower and reconstruction and reconfiguration of West Lake Drive along the City Beach to replace the existing street, construction of a 10′ wide multi-use trail with a concrete surface along the south side of the existing street, and new sidewalk on the north side of the street.

The city had planned on adding sewer and water to Willow Springs, which was annexed into the City in 2020, but opted against it after passionate pleas from residents who felt the cost would be too costly for property owners to absorb.

“I am looking at about $90,000-$100,000 that will be assessed to me – I can’t afford it and it breaks my heart,” said LuAnn Porter a resident of Willow Springs.

An amended CIP passed 5-2 which removed adding sewer and water to Willow Springs, but will provide street improvements at an estimated cost of $1.3 million.

“This is what the people want, they want roads all the way through, but they do not want this water and sewer coming through and they keep telling us and telling us and we have to listen,” said Vice Mayor Ron Zemen to a flurry of applause from concerned residents.

The unamended CIP can viewed here.

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